Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sandra's Writing Quest Begins

This will be where I will start updating the things that are going on with my writing.  I currently have a finished novel that needs a total make over.  I have sent it out and I have listened to all of the advice.  I have thought long and hard about how to fix the problem and the only way that will happen is to take the information and the book and move things around and add some more.
Steps to Courage came about after watching the events of 9/11 unfold with my middle school students.  We were ordered to keep our TVs on all day.  I had to try to calm my students and assure them that everything was okay and that they were safe.  Inside I was not so sure about that.  I had heard over the following years about schools in the vicinity that were affected and wondered how three teens would handle the situation if they found themselves in the twin towers on 9/11.  In addition to that problem they were each dealing with other problems that were in themselves directing their lives.

My second book, the one I was writing through a two year novel course through Forward Motion for Writers  is way behind.  I am playing catch up.  This has been a stressful school year full of changes.  I got behind on my writing and am determined to play catch up.  So I have joined Confessions of the Un-Published in the quest to finish this book in 50 days.  I am getting a late start.  My Spring Break starts the evening of the 26th so I plan on hitting my writing hard and catching up.  So far I have my outline completed, my character sketches completed so I have a good start.  That first paragraph is always the hardest.  Once I get that down it seems to just flow.  I will try to do a daily update.  My goal after I get caught up is at least 1,000 words a day

1 comment:

BS said...

Good Luck! You CAN do it!

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