Saturday, April 21, 2012

Lessons Learned

This week we had state tests at school. One of my former student's asked how my new book was coming along. I replied that I'd done little writing this year because of all of the effort I had put in on lesson plans, etc. My principal was standing there and assured her I would get back into it. This kind of lit a fire under me.

Today I opened the book Hooked by Les Edgerton
I mention this because as a new writer I need to constantly work at learning more. I have never taken any college courses to teach me how to write a book. I decided one day I had to ignore what others told me and just do it. I am proud of my first book, "Steps to Courage". However, I am constantly reading things and seeing how I did things wrong. I have always felt the beginning of my book just wasn't right. By the time I published it I felt it was as good as "I" could make it. It has been through HONEST critiques and reviews of my book that I have slowly begun the process of learning to improve my writing. Several people have told me that I did more telling than showing. I also know I have a problem with being a passive writer. I keep trying to write like I was taught in school, and like I've been trained to teach kids to write. I want to change this. I must begin by reading and analyzing books like Hooked. I began by looking at a copy of my book and marking it up. My hope is that as I deconstruct my first book I will be able to avoid those mistakes in the future.

I would love to be able to give someone my book and say, "Mark it up. Be brutally honest and tell me what is wrong so I can fix it and not make the same mistakes in the future". 

There are two main reasons I need to do this. If I ever decide to traditionally publish, it must be good enough to get the attention of a publisher and editor. 
The second reason is if I decide to self-publish again, I need to make sure it is better than my first book.

I will say this much though, it sure has felt good to be back doing what I really enjoy, writing. Yes, the writing process includes reading and learning about writing and practicing what you have learned. 

So what are you waiting for?


Anonymous said...

Do not feel alone. So much of what you described has rolled and rolled in my brain. I do think though, that there are storytellers, we may not have all the rules down, but we can spin a yarn that is interesting and entertaining. I know for me, the joy of writing is that, a joy. Learning and getting better technically is a process and I aspire to improve also, but I can't put the writing on hold. It now wants to gush out!

Karen Arnpriester

Sandra Stiles said...

You are so right my friend. I realized this morning that when I have let my school get in the way of my writing, my teaching suffered. I felt incomplete. I felt like I was just dragging along in my classes. A week ago one of my students said I was different and they liked it. I asked them what they meant, knowing I would not like what I heard. They said that after I gave them the assignment and joined them I wasn't grumpy anymore. The assignment? Write a story that is at least 650 words. I gave them a starter and told them to be creative. They gave me a topic and a setting and I joined them. So far their favorite of mine is "Human Stew". I think I will post it here. It was a fun and simple story from my student's suggestions. You can be so gross with middle schoolers. I am taking time, and giving myself permission to write EACH and EVERY day, as I work on the techniques of writing.

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