If you go back and read my post for January you will see that my husband and I had quite a difficult 2019. We decided to put the positivity back into our life. Although I have chosen to look on the brighter side of things, that doesn't mean that things have gone all smooth. We suffered three more losses shortly into the new year. I kept telling myself if I could just make it to Spring Break I would be able to rejuvenate myself. Then Covid hit. I like many teachers had to start teaching from home. I ended up putting in more hours than I did when I was in a physical school building. You may ask why, since I could just shut off my computer each day. This is true. But for that child who is the oldest of five in the family, and has spent all day making sure their younger siblings got their work done, I wanted to be sure I was there for them if they needed help.
Covid has made me take a new look at my students this year. I miss them so much. Even those who often gave me problems are missed. I have always had good students. I have some this year that just aren't that "in" to schooling. That is what I mean by giving me problems. I have always wanted them to learn more than some of them are willing to learn. I have had to tell myself that I can't help them all even if I wanted to. Knowing that we won't have a traditional graduation ceremony for our eighth graders and I didn't get to stay up all night with them at Universal hurt. I really wanted that for this year. But I have some students who have asked if they could keep in touch with me when they go into high school.
I decided in the midst of all of this chaos to submit my work once again for publication. I am now looking at having my book "Seventy-Times-Seven" published around the new year. This motivated me enough to entice my students into agreeing to a poetry unit for their last unit. I have enjoyed writing poetry with them. It got my creative juices flowing. Then I started reading again. I feel like I am back on my way to enjoying reading and writing the way I used to. I feel like I just needed that jump-start to get me going. So where many people choose to look at the negative impact Covid-has had on them and society; I choose to see how it has motivated me to change in a positive way.
So I am happy to say; I am Starting Again.