Today's word was chosen by me. I utilize sarcasm when I find myself frustrated with a situation beyond my control. I’ve been told that I am very good at being sarcastic. I am
going to let you be the judge of that.
I believe that teachers should no longer
have to go to school to get a teaching degree. After all, we all know that
teachers don’t know how to teach. Why do
I say this? Simple. Teachers must not
know how to teach because the district is always telling us how to teach. We select a textbook because we like the way
it is set up. It goes along with our state standards. It goes in a logical
progression. They agree and purchase it.
Then they write pacing guides and curriculum maps that take those logically
progressive units and switch them all around.
Another reason we loved the text book is because it is full
of graphic organizers and text structure strategies. But we all know that
teachers don’t know how to use those resources. So what does the district do?
They purchase a program for tens of thousands of dollars that mandates the
teaching of text structures. Instead of just using the textbook and all of its
built in text structures we have to reinvent the wheel and find other passages from other places to
teach the text structures. We need to do
this separate because it wouldn’t make sense to follow the natural placement in
the textbook.
The next thing we are going to do is purchase a writing
program. Now it doesn’t matter if it
doesn’t meet your needs. If your students are high functioning writers this
program is going to let them know that their writings are unscorable because it
doesn’t match any of the other essays of those lower level writers that they have to compare it to. Now don’t worry, this will make your students feel one of two things. They will either take it personally and feel like they can't really write, or they will think that it is useless writing and being made to use a program that is just a time waster.
Your textbook is online and
actually came with a writing program. But we
need to spend thousands of dollars on this program that is excellent for those
who really need help with their writing because they are not on grade level. We are going to make everyone use this
program and ignore the program that came free with the online textbook and all of its resources. We are also only going to give you half of the licenses you need for
this program so that you will have to take money you need for other programs and
use it to purchase the extra licenses.
Now we are going to add this in to your already burgeoning curriculum
and expect you to have your students write, edit, revise multiple times in a 40
minute period. It doesn’t matter that many of these children can’t do this from
home because they don’t own computers or have Internet. You can always assign
this writing as homework so that they can type it at home, save it to a flash
drive and then upload it to the program.
That is if they have a computer at home. If not they will need to try to type
it all in during that 40 minutes period and then edit and revise.
Yes, my students tell me I am the queen of sarcasm. They
find it funny when they or their parents complain about some of these
ridiculous programs and I reply with sarcasm. I have figured out it is the way
I deal with these situations so that I don’t go nuts. I had to sit in a meeting, where they pulled
me out of my class to meet with reps from one of these programs. I asked them
if the program was done the way it was set up to be run, how long it would take
for students to use their program and read their articles, prompts, etc. to
write, revise and edit it multiple times.
They hemmed and hawed and never did give a complete answer to our
administration. I told them that as an
author I can’t write a chapter and revise and edit it multiple times in one
week if I want quality. Their response was, “Well I used to be a teacher” and “well
you can always have them write it first and fix it up, then upload it into the
program.” As long as we have canned
programs that try to be a one size fits all while they expect us to
differentiate the instruction, you will find this teacher utilizing her