Thursday, April 23, 2015

Where Do We Get Our Poetry From

The biggest question I've been asked throughout this unit is how to I come up with a topic to write about? How do I get my ideas?  I've told them to observe the world around them.  Look at what is happening in their lives.  If they had an argument that morning, was it something they could write about?
Well the poem below came from my heart as I read the post of a former student and friend who lost her three year old child at the beginning of April.  She is trying to go on with life yet the pain and ache is so terrible.  As I sat to write a poem that morning for the class this is what came out of me.

As You Like Still Upon My Chest by Sandra Stiles
As you lie still upon my chest
Your face framed all in curls
A simple gown in which you’re dressed
My sweet little baby girl
Your face framed all in curls
Your skin as white as the snow
My sweet little baby girl
I did not want to let you go
Your skin as white as the snow
A simple gown in which you’re dressed
I did not want to let you go
As you lie still upon my chest

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Poetry by Khushi


I laugh and laugh when someone tickles me
They drop their treats for me as I gulp them up
I sometimes spit the treats out when I'm full
Sometimes I get sick and the treats just won't gulp.

Toilet Paper Roll

I feel warm in this big jacket of mine
Eventhough it's softer than a baby's tush
Oh wait my jacket is being pulled.
Soon I will just be merely naked and useless

ah, the sweet pillow resting, cuddling onto me.
Sometimes on the left and sometimes on the right
With wind flowing from the fan
I lay with my foundation


so many theories about me.
Am I Zeus or am I Shiva?
Am I Jesus?
They are all a part of me.
You shall se me revealed in Heaven
Until then, Farewell

Friday, April 17, 2015

My Day at School by Olivia

They were working on couplets.

My Day at School by Olivia

When I first arrive I wait for class,
when I really wish I could pass.

When I get to World History,
I learn about the world that is a mystery.

When I get to Spanish,
I learn that desaparecer mes to vanish.

When I get to Math,
I learn how to find the area of a half.

When I get to tech,
I learn how to build flawlessly, all the way to the nearest speck.

In the class of Science,
I learn about the body without defiance

When I get to play in Band,
We play music that is planned.

Now my classes for the rest of the day there are none,
but tomorrow it will have to be redone.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Happy by Kimberlee

Listen up everybody I've got something to say,
everybody has had a very bad day.
Some people can't hold it in sometimes
makes you feel like you ate a bunch of sour limes.
If you want to know how to get out of your funk
first you need to get rid of all that sad junk.
Take a deep breath, take a deep breath to and fro
one to get ready, get set, here we go.
Next stop is to put on a great big smile,
third step keep it there for a while.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Poem - Home

Here is a simple poem from Yazmin A.


Get me down
home, sweet, home
Cozy and just perfect
Cooking, cleaning and gardening
As fun as me
If only I wasn't in this tree

Monday, April 13, 2015

Two Great Alphabet Poems

The students had to use five consecutive letters in the alphabet.  Here are two by Edgely J. 

Chromatic scales consist of every note.
Double bar lines tell you to repeat the song.
Eight notes don't last for very long. A
Flat makes the note just a bit low. But a Gliss can be only used for a trombone.

The Kite and the Clouds
Kites tickle
Little clouds that sound like a
Mouse eating
on a
Plate made of grass.

Here is one by Jarelle S.

The Goat

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Cute Cinquain

Josh R. chose to write a cinquain about his dog Lacy and email it to me.  Here it is for you to enjoy.

Lacy. . .

Fast, fuzzy,

Running, cuddling, playing,

As cute as cute can be,

If only she didn't pee!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Observing and Writing in Syllables

Kimberly wrote a poem based on an activity we die where students had to observe things around our school.  It was difficult to teach them this process.  Kimberly put her observations into a poem and did an awesome job.

My Observations by Kimberlee N.

I see a dragonfly buzzing in the air.
There is also a tree that’s almost bare.
I hear a truck booming by
There is a bird that seems to cry.
A motorcycle, zooms across the road
And there is a big toad.
I hear leaves rustling in the wind.

I see the shadow of the moving tree
How the wind makes it move beside me.
I hear an airplane growling, somewhere
I see an eagle looking like it might care.
I see buzzards off in the distance

They might be doing a dance.

Isabella's poem was a "Dice  Poem". they rolled the dice and wrote the number down on their paper for 12 different lines.  That is how many syllables they had to have per line.   I loved her poem titled Ballet.

Ballet  by Isabella J.

Kids don’t understand how hard this sport is.
It is just the same as any other sport
Pointe shoes give blisters
Toes bleed and break
Good is never good enough
Better is the goal
They can try to,
But ballet will always be so much more
They think it’s funny
To lift their leg
I just tell myself that my leg can go higher

Friday, April 10, 2015

It's Poetry Time Again

The week before we begin our state testing is usually a time for last minutes tweaking of skills.  We have done nothing but testing all year.  So..... I figured we would start our poetry unit.  I have given the students formulaic type poetry to work on.  So far they have completed the following types of poetry: acrostics, alphabets, cinquains, diamantes, dice and color poems. I decided it would be nice to post some of their poetry.
Olivia H. has agreed to start the day off.   She has given us her alphabet poem, a diamante, an acrostic and a color poem.

The Travels of a Leaf by Olivia H.

A leaf falls onto a
Bench where a
Circular Frisbee is thrown on top. In the
Dark the leaf is scared and
Energetic. A
Grown man wearing a
Hat walks over and picks
It up. As well as me. I thought he was
Joking, but on the way “home” I saw a
Kite, a
Lemonade stand,
Many kids, and
Nifty moving vehicles. After being
Opened up to the world I felt
Proud. I felt like I was
Queen of the world.
To fall, the clouds
Up above weren’t a
Vivid color.
Water keeps falling.
Yelling, “Drip, drop. Then…
ZAP, goes a lightning bolt, as everything goes black.

Terrible Congestion on
Roads that make people                                                           
Frustrated and                                                            
Irritated about these

Teal is the color of the Bahama’s water
Teal is the color of joy
Teal is beautiful
Teal is healing emotions
Teal smells like saltwater at the ebach
Teal tastes like ocean spray
Teal sounds like the wind blowing the leaves that have fallen
Teal looks like a butterfly flying
Teal feels like anticipation
Teal is beautiful

Small, slow
Growing, moving, eating,
Waiting, steady, big, beautiful
Fluttering, flying migrating
Colorful, gentle

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