Saturday, January 27, 2018

#DWHabit - Shopping

Spending time away from home in store were you don’t want to be.
Hoping to find something that fits, knowing all the while it won’t
Obsessive clerks working for you to earn a commission.
Promising to find something to fit you, while pulling styles you can’t stand.

Painful realization that nothing will fit, no matter what they bring you.
Instantaneously hating the store for not carrying enough stock.
Nothing feels right or looks right, no matter how many outfits they bring you.
Going to go home to a good book to get over the shopping trauma.

I truly do hate to shop for clothing. My husband knows this. I've been complaining that I need to get some more pants for work. Unfortunately the place where I had gotten pants that were comfortable and fit me so well had closed. I've looked everywhere but still couldn't find pants that fit well. Once I started losing weight it became even tougher. Unfortunately the weight is not coming off proportionately.  This makes finding pants that fit really difficult.  I did find two blouses today. They were buy one get a second one for $10.  

So today when my husband told me we were going shopping for clothes I threw my little tantrum. I belligerently got dressed to go out. I stomped through the house and was just really ugly. Then my husband asked, "Have I made you cry yet like my mom?" That made me angrier. One year his mom decided she was going to treat me to a set of clothes for the new school year. She found out where we were. She had her arms filled with clothes and stood in front of the store exit and told me I couldn't leave until I tried the clothes on and let her buy them for me. Luckily there were a couple of outfits that did fit. I was smaller then.  But I cried.  I felt bad that I had upset her for wanting to do something so nice for me.  I truly do hate shopping for clothes that much. 
I was that way when I was a teen as well.  Now put me in a fabric store or a book store and stand back.  I hope as I lose weight that I will at least be more open to shopping. Usually I have found that if I need clothes I either can't find clothes that fit or a price I can afford. Who knows maybe things will align in the future and I will actually enjoy it. I'm hopeful.

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