Monday, September 18, 2017

Daily Writing Project Day 2 - Deliver

Today's word is:  

Dear Lord deliver us from all of these catastrophic events.  We’ve had earthquakes and mudslides in Mexico. We’ve had devastating hurricanes and flooding in Texas and in Florida.  In the midst of all of this we have idiots who prey on the vulnerable.  They steal from those who have already lost so much. They wait to cheat those who have little out of what they have left.  We have also seen the good side of humanity. We’ve watched people who lost most everything, take what little they had left and deliver it to those who were in need. We watched schools and communities come together to collect food, blankets, clothing, diapers and much needed water so that others could deliver it to those in need. For me the best thing happened five day after Hurricane Irma struck. My husband delivered the news that our power had been restored. I had never been so happy. I worked with my husband after the hurricane helping remove storm shutters. My school was shut down as were so many in the state. My daughter delivered the news to us that she and her family had weathered the storm with little damage but no power. They delivered their children to their grandmother because she had power.  We have a ways to go before hurricane season is over. I’ll take the clear skies.  Our ground is so saturated that a short but heavy rain causes our yard to be flooded. This floods our septic tank and puts our bathroom out of commission.  So please Lord, deliver us from any more storms for a while. Let us get back on our feet.

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